Welcome to The Detling House Newsletter Archive

The Minnie R.

This issue of the Minnie R. is brought to you by four Cheez Balls: Cayce, Vickie, Kristin, and Christina.

Great American Trip
The trip will take place on May 5 (the day after Mifflin!) from 8 am to 10 pm. One ticket is left, and it's available for $18. Talk to Amy if interested. Don't forget Cheez Balls for the van!

House Meeting
The final house meeting will be Tuesday, April 30 (four days before Mifflin!). Please attend to hear closing information.

House Picnic
Maybe there will be Cheez Balls.... End-of-the-year picnic will take place at Vilas Park on Saturday, May 11 (Jonathan Jackson's birthday). Food (and hopefully Cheez Balls) provided.

The Karaoke Queens say...
"Come to Detling Karaoke night and listen, listen, listen to a jubilant song!" After the picnic May 11, come to the Checkmate. We'll have those Cheez Balls to throw at the superfine performers. Plan an act, do an impromptu, or just come to eat free food.

Cheezy Quote:
"You're thinking cheese with fish... Bleh!"
~Camp Nowhere

Dunk Amy!
As part of the Johnson Street Block Party this Saturday, our beloved housefellow Amy will be sitting in the dunk tank. Come between 4:45 and 5 pm to get her wet. We wish it was a vat of Cheez Balls!

Featuring Minnie R.
The house t-shirt, complete with our Minnie R., is being printed as you read. They will be available by finals, but we need to give money to Erica or Jill by May 1 (three days before Mifflin!). Prices are: t-shirts, sizes S to XL are $7.75; XXL is $8.75; long-sleeve, L and XL are $11.20.

A Stalker's Paradise
Submit your summer address and phone number to Amy. The list of addressed will be circulated later. We know where you live!

Detling Memories
Submit your most memorable moment on Detling this year for the final copy of the Minnie R. Submissions should be succinct, and please return them to room 263.

Cheez Balls, Part of a Balanced Breakfast
Serving Size: 45 pieces
Nutritional Information:
Calories 150
Calories from Fat 90
Total Fat 10g
Dietary Fiber 1g (4% of daily allowance)
Vitamin C and Iron 0g
Cholesterol less than 5mg

Rumor Has It...
K.K. got a tattoo -- in the shape of a Cheez Ball.
Spring is making C.S. feel very twitterpated.
C.J. lost a Cheez Ball Friday, but she was happily reunited with it 5 days later. The Cheez Ball is now on display.
K.M. got into pharmacy school.
Z.M. still needs to buy his textbooks -- how many days until the end of the semester?
Beware, men of Detling! V.M. has arms, and she is dangerous.
T.W-S is disrespectfully playing hall sports. (Hey, T.W-S, see above Dunk Amy! article.)
Avoid J.W.'s alleged psychology experiment. She is studying how Cheez Balls cause mental instability.
Cheez Balls are available at Ed's for $1.30.

Volume II Issue 2