Welcome to The Detling House Newsletter Archive

The Minnie R.

The second issue of the Minnie R. is brought to you by:
Kristin, the girl that likes the Beastie Boys more than a lot.
Christina, the girl who likes Jimmy Buffett more than a lot.
Cayce and Vickie, the girls who ditched us more than a lot.

Homecoming is more than a lot of fun!
Float Building: Mon.-Fri. 5-10pm Sat.&Sun. 9am-9pm Or talk to Katie May.
Hall Dec: Fri. 2-10pm Sun. 1:30-10 pm Or talk to Jane.
Direct assorted questions and comments to Amy.

Halloween is more than a lot of fun!
Little people will be coming to our den on Sunday, October 29 from 5:30 to 7pm to celebrate Halloween. If you are interested in decorating and planning games for them, talk to Jill.

Being Quiet is more than a lot of fun!
Remember to observe quiet hours. Feel free to get crabby quietly and talk to the noisemakers (including our rowdy housefellow) if the noise level is too loud.

Depressing Quote:
"Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry."
John Denver

Fire is more than a lot of fun!
"Friends around a campfire and everybody's high."*
John Denver

Detling house bonfire is this Saturday. Meet at 'vators at 5pm or we will ditch you.

Paying for your tickets is more than a lot of fun!
If you ordered Civic Center tickets, pick them up from Erica (#252). Make checks out to Amy Emmer.

The end of ping-pong chaos is quickly approaching. Hooray! It ends at 11:59pm on Kristin's birthday** when she will do a dance of joy on the ping-pong table.

Next house meeting is Tues., Nov. 7 at 8:30pm.

In the works:

  • Tim the Condom Man
  • Dinner at Wasabi
  • Monster Hockey Game
  • Chat with Profs in the Den
Direct assorted questions and comments to Amy.

* Naturally high, of course.
** Kristin's special day is Oct. 30.

Togas are more than a lot of fun!
House photo is Wed., Oct. 25 at 5:30pm. Theme is yet to be announced, but a Julius Caesar death scene has been suggested. Get out your bedsheets and knives!

Check out the new Detling House web site:
http:/arch.housing.wisc.edu/ chang/htlm/detling/detling. htlm

Answer to last issue's trivia question: Minnie Detling.

Horoscopes are more than a lot of fun!
Aries: Call 555-IHOP and find your soulmate.
Taurus: Change your name to Jorge.
Gemini: Cruise Main in a smelly red truck.
Cancer: You don't have to be 21 to smooch in Detling.
Leo: Hug a tree!
Virgo: Stop breaking things!
Libra: You will survive if you do a disco line dance.
Scorpio: Celebrate your special day with John Denver and John Travolta.
Sagittarius: Avoid flying rabid red dogs.
Capricorn: Eat a Pop-Tart.
Aquarius: Let the sun shine.
Pisces: Watch ER and see how cute Noah is.
Volume 1 Issue 2