Detnet Biographies

Jon Weyers
Occupation: Computer Consultant
Birthday: 8/8/1972
City: Twin Cities, MN ICQ: None
Icons go here.

Lived on Detling '90-'91 (rm. 278 w/ Brad Lepisto), '91-'92 (rm. 280 w/ Neil Sheldon), '92-'93 (rm. 278 w/ Dan Demaske), '93-'94 (rm. 260 w/ Aziz Poonawalla). I then moved to Detling-Bassett St. (w/ ex-Detlingites Neil Sheldon, Ed Albrecht and Don Johnson), and finally to Detling West (w/ Erik Scott, CFO, Dave Ehlert, Kessin Knauer, Johnny Chang, Aziz Poonawalla and Kim Chestnut.)

Most unfortunate quote: "I was the one on my back with my feet in the air; SHE was the one playing Superman."

I am originally from Appleton, WI, and led the wave of Appletonians working to take over Detling and Madison. (OK, I can't take responsibility for Ryan Bay or Kerri Hilbelink.) I escaped Madison with a BS in Mathematics and Computer Science, 1994, and an MS in Computer Science, 1996. I moved to Minnesota in an attempt to find a Midwestern city big enough to give me a decent job, yet without the dirty, big-city feel of Milwaukee or Chicago. Since I'm still here, I guess I succeeded.

My take on the experience that is Detling: I organized the first Detling foosball tournament, spring of '91, to get me out of a room dedicated to Guns 'n Roses, thereby getting to know some of the early Detlingites. However, it was during welcome week at the beginning of '91-'92 that Detling truly meshed. The arrival of Aziz, Johnny, Karen Nee, Kim Stahl and Melanie Petrak, along with returners like Neil, sparked a trend where every action became group activity. No trip to Pops could commence with fewer than 15 people, and the Detling Den became a persistent gathering place. Smaller groups from previous years, like femtoAST, were integrated into a Detling whole. That sense of Detling community became self-perpetuating, since a large number of Detlingites would return the following year, seeding that same sense of community for the new Detlingites.

My take on the experience that is life: Detling was better.