Email: | | |||
Webpage: | | |||
Occupation: | I/T Specialist/Consultant/Detnet slacker | |||
Birthday: | 5/16/1972 (notice 4 digit year) | |||
City: | Madison(born), Milwaukee(raised), Minneapolis (current) | ICQ: | None | |
Profile: | ||||
pretty flat, but kind of protruding around the nose area
Alternative profile: A late addition to Detling for the 1990-91 school
year having missed the first 2 weeks of the semester as I was at the
Air Force Academy. In my stint at detling (2 years), I participated
in many events from assassin to stompball, the Robotech Marathon to
volleyball. I had a small role in Detling Trek. I frequented Movie
night, capture the flag on Bascom Hill, car wars, Great America
trips and shadowrun. I organized the Den Olympics and was the
Jebediah Springfield of what was called 'Detling West' after I left.
But the most signigicant contribution I gave to detling was the use of
my 386-16 computer (on a wheeled cart) that made it's way to the den
for Tank Wars marathons.
-Mark Steffel 4-7-99